Archivo de la etiqueta: Makers

Notas sobre «Makers», de Chris Anderson (I)

Chris Anderson fue durante varios años el editor jefe de Wired, revista de referencia en cuanto a tecnologías emergentes. He leído 3 libros suyos. Desde «The long tail: Why the future of business is selling less of more», le profeso una profunda admiración, por la sencillez con la que es capaz de sintetizar y comunicar nuevas tendencias, popularizando conceptos que acaban por introducirse en nuestra cultura y lenguaje diario.

Por ello, he elegido un libro suyo, «Makers: The new industrial revolution», como referencia para empezar a compartir notas de libros vía subrayados y tweet-comments a través del blog, un deseo de compartición pública siempre procrastinado, hasta hoy. 

En síntesis, «Makers» desarrolla la hipótesis de que nos encontramos ante la Tercera Revolución Industrial: «Atoms are the new bits». La democratización de los medios de producción digitales, la evolución a la que hemos asistido en internet, ha llegado al mundo físico.

Makers cover


1) «This may surprise many people, especially those with fancy business degrees, but there is a direct correlation between having customers and having a business» #surpriseSurprise #havingCustomerMatters #revenueMattersMost

2) «Bits have changed the world. We, however, live mostly in the world of atoms, also knows as the Real World of Places and Stuff» #bitsAreComing #realWorldBeatsDigital #iLoveRealStuffToo

3) «The great opportunity in the new Maker Movement is the ability to be both small and global. Both artisanal and innovative. Both high-tech and low-cost. Starting small but getting big» #internet4AtomsStuff #atomsEqual2Bits #buildLocallySellGlobally

4) «in early 2012 the Obama administration launched a program7 to bring makerspaces into one thousand American schools over the next four years, complete with digital fabrication tools such as 3-D printers and laser cutters. In a sense, this is the return of the school workshop class, but now upgraded for the Web Age» #pretecnologiaEvolution #educationMatters #futureIsToday #manufacturingi18nBack

5) «A service economy is all well and good, but eliminate manufacturing and you’re a nation of bankers, burger flippers, and tour guides. Software and information industries get all the press, but they employ just a small percentage of the population» #manufacturingEconomy #buildForReal #thinkingOfSpain?

6) «The move from hand labor to machine labor freed up people to do something else. Fewer people in society were needed to create the bare essentials of food, clothing, and shelter, so more people could start working on the nonessentials that increasingly define our culture: ideas, invention, learning, politics, the arts ,and creativity» #moreFreeTimeJustToThink #avoidNonValueAddedJobs #humanKindEvolution

7) «Transformative change happens when industries democratize, when they’re ripped from the sole domain of companies, governments, and other institutions and handed over to regular folks» #democratizeEverything #crowdWhatever #futureIsBrighterThanItSeems

Mucho «food for thought» y decenas de horas de potenciales debates en pocas palabras. Guardo las siguientes siete notas (vía subrayado y tweet-comments) para otro día y otro post.
